The most enjoyable part of being a part of this “movement” to create DIY air cleaners is seeing the energy, creativity, knowledge and spirit to provide better and safer indoor air. As Thomas Thalhelm said several years ago, “an air cleaner is just a fan and a filter.” So true. But who could have imagined … More
Enjoy Clean Air While You Drive with the Mini-Mini Corsi-Rosenthal Box
The air you breathe in your car or truck is potentially some of the worst you will encounter on a daily basis. The relatively small cabin volume and proximity of the driver and other passengers make for one of the highest risk environments for the transmission of an airborne disease. Opening windows is always a … More
Spotlight on Tex-Air Filters Houston Branch
By Jim Rosenthal Tex-Air Filters is continuing to expand. In October of 2021, the fifth Texas facility was opened in Houston. The other offices and warehouses are in Fort Worth, Dallas, Austin and San Antonio. The Tex-Air manufacturing plant is in Fort Worth. “Houston was the next logical step in our growth,” said Jim Rosenthal, … More
Another Variation on the Corsi-Rosenthal Box Air Cleaner – Permanent Frames
By Jim Rosenthal Since the first Corsi-Rosenthal Box Air Cleaner was made in August of 2020, we have received many questions about the necessity of using new, fully-assembled filters in each filter change. So we have developed an alternative using permanent metal frames. Instead of changing all of the filters by reassembling the CR box … More
Testing the Efficiency of MERV 13 Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes In Use
By Jim Rosenthal Many tests have been done on Corsi-Rosenthal Box air cleaners showing very high levels of efficiency and effectiveness. The MERV 13 filters used in these DIY devices use electret media. This media is designed to increase efficiency on small particles with less resistance and higher air flow. A long running debate in … More
A Mini Corsi/Rosenthal Box Air Cleaner
By Jim Rosenthal Many people have asked for a smaller version of the Corsi/Rosenthal Box Air Cleaner. In the spirit of the “open source” cooperative approach there have been several versions pictured on Twitter. These excellent examples inspired me to build one myself. Here is the result – a Mini-Corsi/Rosenthal Box! The fan is a … More
Air Cleaner Effectiveness Determined by Filter + Fit + Flow
The main reason to use an air cleaner is to remove particles – the higher the particle removal rate, the more effective the air cleaner. What factors determine effectiveness? The first element is the FILTER. An efficient filter is critical. But, the filter is only as good as the construction of the air cleaner. The … More
IAQ Research-Practice in Action: The Corsi/Rosenthal Box Air Cleaner
By Jim Rosenthal Introduction: This is the story of how the knowledge and creativity of a researcher (Dr. Richard Corsi) and the practical experience of the CEO of an air filter company (Jim Rosenthal) combined to develop an extremely effective and inexpensive air cleaner. This open source design has been used extensively in schools, churches, … More
New Air Cleaner using Advanced ELGIT System Reduces Viruses, Mold and Bacteria by 93%
By Jim Rosenthal, CAFS At last, an air cleaner that is safe, inexpensive, reliable, quiet, and energy efficient. This remarkable product uses the new and advanced Electronic Green Incandescent Technology (ELGIT) system. Tests show that the ELGIT air cleaner reduces viruses, mold, bacteria and other indoor contaminants by 93%! The perfect product for schools, offices … More
Comparing Filters for Resistance and Efficiency
By Jim Rosenthal, CAFS Several years ago I wrote an article for this website comparing different commonly available filters for resistance and efficiency (at 0.3um). The article continues to be one of the most popular on our site. There just aren’t many places where one is able to compare filters from various manufacturers. Somehow it … More