Research at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory finds that Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO) reduces indoor VOC’s but could produce formaldehyde as a byproduct. A very promising new technology for the reduction of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) in indoor environments is Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO). This process exposes ultraviolet light to a catalyst such as titanium dioxide to produce … More
Researchers Confirm Some Air Cleaners Generate Ultrafine Particles
A University of Texas Study confirms that some air cleaners actually increase ultrafine particles and formaldehyde.
Comparative Tests on Pressure Drop of HVAC Filters
We test 20 filters for pressure drop and efficiency. It is often very difficult to compare pressure drop for HVAC air filters. Even though filter tests are standardized it is not unusual for the same type of filter to be tested in two different laboratories with two different results. In addition, filter tests are run … More
Sorting Fact from Fiction on Health Effects of Mould
Leading Asthma and Allergy Experts Discuss the Most Recent Scientific Evidence on Health Effects of Mould Several years ago I had the pleasure of attending a joint meeting of the National Air Filtration Association and the Indoor Air Quality Association. One of the key speakers was Dr. Michael Rinaldi of the University of Texas Health … More
What is a Safe Level of Ozone for an Air Cleaner?
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is trying to answer this question. Their study and the responses to that study highlight the complexity of the issue. As the sales of air cleaners have increased over the past 10 years a serious question has been raised about products that generate ozone as a byproduct. What level … More
Study Finds RCI Devices Increase Indoor Ozone and Are Relatively Ineffective at Particle Removal
This study shows that the RCI (radiant catalytic ionization) Air Cleaning Devices produce fairly significant levels of ozone and are less effective than a standard air filter at removing 2 micron sized particles. Researchers at the University of Cincinnati have found that the RCI “air cleaning device” produces a significant amount of ozone and is … More
Improving Indoor Air Quality in Classrooms Leads to Higher Test Scores
This study shows that improved indoor air quality in classrooms leads to higher test scores for students. Education budgets are tight. Politicians are busy putting limits on school budgets to “put more money in the classroom.” The problem is – if you do not provide safe, healthy and encouraging environments, it does not matter how … More
Studies Show Improved IAQ Leads to More Productivity
Numerous studies show that improving the Indoor Air Quality will lead to higher worker productivity. Measures to improve IAQ don’t cost – they pay!! In a recent article presented by the U.S. Green Building Council and Building Operating Management David P. Callan did an excellent job of summarizing the studies that have been done in … More
The Indoor Air Thickens – New Study Confirms Links with Ozone, Cleaning Agents and Air Contaminants
Fine particles, formaldehyde and other air contaminants are created when common cleaning agents are exposed to indoor ozone. When used indoors in the presence of ozone, many household cleaners and air fresheners emit toxic pollutants at levels that may lead to health risks according to a new study by researchers at the University of California, … More
Isn’t it Ionic? Air Purifiers Make Smog
Another study confirms that ionizers and ozone generators can create unhealthy levels of ozone in poorly ventilated rooms. The news does not appear to be getting any better for ionizers, ozone generators or other devices that generate ozone and claim to be “air purifiers.” Another study has raised additional concerns about these devices. This study … More