Another study confirms that ionizers and ozone generators can create unhealthy levels of ozone in poorly ventilated rooms. The news does not appear to be getting any better for ionizers, ozone generators or other devices that generate ozone and claim to be “air purifiers.” Another study has raised additional concerns about these devices. This study … More
Do Air Filters Provide Health Benefits?
Air cleaners and air filters alone have not been shown to be clinically effective at reducing allergy symptoms. Last Friday (March 31) I was very fortunate to be able to participate in a round table discussion on indoor air research. This meeting was conducted by university indoor air scientists and engineers and was attended by … More
Free Radicals Are NOT “Friendly Oxidizers”
Some new air cleaning devices are using free radicals or Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) to “oxidize” indoor air. Free radicals have been shown to be damaging to human health. Testing is lacking on the by-products of the reactions between free radicals and the components of indoor air. Here is a quote from a brochure on … More
Alchemy, Indoor Air and the Black Box
Be wary of excessive marketing claims for products to take care of indoor air. For hundreds of years wizards and alchemists sought a way to be able to create gold from lead and/or other metals. From time to time one or more of them claimed that they found the way. In many cases this involved … More
NAFA Expands Air Filter Specialist Program
Only Filter Certification now open to all individuals interested in air filters and indoor air quality. The National Air Filtration Association has announced the expansion of its Certified Air Filter Specialist (CAFS) program. This certification is the only one of its kind, designed to ensure that the holder has a sound knowledge of the the … More
Avian Flu Filtration Precautions
Proper filtration can help to minimize the risk of spreading the flu virus. An outbreak of influenza A (H5N1) also known as “avian flu” or “bird flu” has been reported in countries throughout Asia. Confirmed human cases of avian flu have been found in Thailand, Vietnam and China. There have been approximately 150 human cases … More
Is there such a thing as Toxic Mold?
Study does not confirm “toxic mold syndrome” in patients Mold and dampness can cause coughing and wheezing. However, is there evidence to support the existence of what has been called “toxic mold syndrome” or illnesses caused specifically by exposure to mold? According to a report by researchers at the Oregon Health Sciences University published in … More
HEPA Air Cleaners Shown to Reduce Asthma Symptoms When Used in Conjunction with Other Control Measures
Inner City Asthma Study shows effectiveness of comprehensive environmental controls including air purifiers to control asthma. In the last week a number of articles have appeared in newspapers, magazines and TV with the headline: “Air Cleaners: Even the most effective Could be a Questionable Investment.” These articles are based on the Consumer Reports study of … More
Filter Needs in the LEED Rating System
Building owners obtain points in LEED system with proper filtration. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System represents the U.S. Green Building Council’s effort to provide a national standard for what constitutes a “green building.” It is a design guideline and third-party certification tool that has become increasingly popular over … More
Proper Filter Installation Ensures Maximum Performance
Gaps between filters can cause significant decreases in filter efficiency. Proper filter installation is a key ingredient in ensuring filter effectiveness. Gaps between filters can create pathways for entry of major quantities of particles. Dr. Jeffrey Siegel of the University of Texas at Austin has found that a 10-millimeter gap between filters can substantially drop … More