The December issue of the ASHRAE Journal included an article entitled “How Do Particle Filters Work?” The article has graphs of “Efficiencies over time for two filters.” They come from ASHRAE Research Project (RP) 1190 — that was used to develop Loading Dust and Dust Loading Procedures for the ANSI/ASHRAE Filter Test Standards 52.1 and 52.2. The result … More
Tex-Air Filters Moves Headquarters and Factory to 5933 Eden Drive – Haltom City, Texas!
Tex-Air Filters has moved its headquarters, factory and Fort Worth warehouse to 5933 Eden Drive, Haltom City, Texas 76117. This 52,000 square foot facility was once the home of an aircraft parts manufacturer. It is a really good fit for our operation. It is very accessible for our customers (actually closer to downtown Fort Worth … More
Corsi-Rosenthal Box – Modular Mini – Small, Quiet and Effective
Here is another version of the Mini Corsi-Rosenthal Box. It takes about 10 minutes to build. It has a small “footprint”. It is quiet – just 19 dBa. And the fans are rated at 104 cfm. Perfect for an office, bedroom, examining room or any other critical space where two or more people are in … More
An Easy-to-Build Corsi-Rosenthal Box Using Modular PC Fan Systems
The first Corsi-Rosenthal Box was built in August of 2020. It was presented as an “open source” concept so that as many people as possible could have low-cost cleaner, safer indoor air. It is based on sound engineering principles, but it is really very simple. Use 4 (or 5) MERV 13 filters in a “box” … More
Testing Air Filter Effectiveness at High Air Change Rates – Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes with “Used” MERV 13 Filters Can Produce Cleanroom Particle Levels
By Jim Rosenthal In a previous article I summarized tests conducted using Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes with MERV 13 Filters at very high Air Change Rates. It was determined that two Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes could reduce particle counts in a small office to Class 10,000/ISO 7 levels in less than 15 minutes. Could Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes Reduce Particles to … More
Could Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes Reduce Particles to “Cleanroom” Levels?
By Jim Rosenthal As we have seen in numerous tests, Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes with MERV 13 filters have been shown to outperform HEPA Air Cleaners in particle removal – on all particle sizes. Given the difference in single pass efficiencies, this does not seem possible. After all, a HEPA is at least 99.97% efficient on all … More
Filter Efficiency versus Filter Effectiveness: That is the Question!
In order to determine how air filters help to remove particles in a space, it is important to understand that filter effectiveness is not the same thing as filter efficiency. As it is currently defined, filter efficiency refers to the ability of a filter to capture particles in a single pass test. Filter effectiveness refers … More
Using a Corsi-Rosenthal Box to Remove Wildfire Smoke? Make Sure to Use the Right Filters
By Jim Rosenthal Much of the Eastern United States is covered with wildfire smoke from the massive fires in Canada. A very effective way to avoid this respiratory hazard is to keep the windows closed and use an air cleaner – like a Corsi-Rosenthal Box. One word of caution – use the right filters. We … More
More Information on the Most Commonly Asked Question about Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes: “When do you change the filters?”
By JIm Rosenthal The most frequently asked question we receive on the Corsi-Rosenthal Box is: “When do you change the filters?” Of course – the answer is – it depends. There are a number of variables that need to be considered like – the quantity and type of particle exposure, the type of filters used, … More
Comparing the Performance of Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes Made with Box Fans and PC Fans
By JIm Rosenthal One of the best things about being involved in this Corsi-Rosenthal Box project is to see the tremendous amount of ingenuity, creativity, applied knowledge and technical skill shown by the many people who have built different versions of this DIY air cleaner. It is a continually evolving process and proof that a … More