In recent years more and more studies have been published showing that increased levels of sub-micron sized particles in the air result in higher levels of inflammation. This inflammation has been found in the cardiovascular and the respiratory system of exposed individuals resulting in increased morbidity and mortality. Increased levels of heart attacks and asthma attacks … More
You’ve Got Mold! Now, What Can You Do About It?
You’ve got mold! Well, guess what? So does everybody else. Mold is ubiquitous. It is in every breath that we breathe. It is the one thing that is in the “pollen count” for most areas of the world every day. While some types of mold are allergenic for some people and mold has been linked … More
Sorting Fact from Fiction on Health Effects of Mould
Leading Asthma and Allergy Experts Discuss the Most Recent Scientific Evidence on Health Effects of Mould Several years ago I had the pleasure of attending a joint meeting of the National Air Filtration Association and the Indoor Air Quality Association. One of the key speakers was Dr. Michael Rinaldi of the University of Texas Health … More